Skin Care in winter


Skin Care in winter

It is a myth that natural skin care products are not effective for skin care. This can be taken as a marketing strategy by all those manufacturing chemical based skin care products. You need to be aware that going natural for beauty is not only effective but also can be less damaging for your skin. With natural skin care products you can avail the benefits listed below.

*Natural products offer long term benefits as the skin absorbs the nutrients in the right manner.

*There is no waiting involved with natural products as you can feel the difference on an immediate basis.

*You can look forward to a healthy skin as there is no use of any chemicals.

Ingredients to be avoided in winter:

It is important to follow a specific skin care regime during the different seasons. What works during summer can be harmful during winters as the skin is drier and tends to lose its elasticity.

  1. Rice Flour:

Rice flour is one common ingredient used by many for skin care. This contains a lot of starch which can lead to drying the skin during winters. Your skin tends to feel and look leathery and stretched. Rice flour also removes moisture and can lead to wrinkles, more so in winters.

  1. Cucumber:

Cucumber is an all time favorite of many for skin care as this can help you feeling refreshed. Cucumber also tends to soothe the skin but needs to be used only during the hot summer months. This needs to be avoided during cold winter months due to the astringent properties. This ingredient can work as a drying agent during winters. It is advisable to massage the skin with moisturizing agents like oil or honey.

  1. Lemon:

During summers, lemon can work out the ideal choice for the different face packs, but not during winters as this is highly acidic and can cause a burning sensation or even rashes besides drying the skin. As lemon is also phototoxic, you can develop irritability especially if you use this on your skin and go out. You can use this along with other moisturizing agents like oil, honey or even glycerin.

  1. Gram Flour:

Though gram flour has been used for different beauty treatments since ages, it needs to be avoided during winters. Winter is the time when your skin needs to be moisturized and well hydrated, which is not possible with the use of gram flour. In case you wish to use this, you can mix it with fresh cream, curd or even milk so that the drying properties are nullified.

  1. Potato:

Due to the content of starch, potatoes are known to tighten the skin but using these during winters can only lead to a dull and dry look.

The above mentioned ingredients are definitely appropriate for skin care but only if used during the right season. Before you use any natural ingredient for skin, ensure you use the right proportions for maximum benefits. A chemical-free skin is definitely healthy skin.

Skin Care in winter: 

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