Fair Skin with Home Remedies


Fair Skin with Home Remedies

The pollution and congestion in a city can rob your skin of the radiance and glow. This tends to get discolored and looks dull. Besides this, the stress, poor diet, not drinking enough water and bad sleeping habits only add to the disaster. If you are looking for a glowing and radiant skin, it is important to give ‘skin-care’ some time. This process of getting a fair skin is not a one day effort. You need to ensure you work towards this every day. It is easy to get the type of skin you so desire by choosing some home remedies.

  1. Using Rose Water for a Fair Skin Tone:

Packed with different nutrient and antioxidants, rose water works well for your skin care regime. This not only removes the dead cells but can also soothe skin which is irritated. You can get that glow you are looking for with a clear and clean skin.

*Dip a cotton ball in rose water and massage your face gently with this. The skin needs to absorb this. Once the rose water has been absorbed you can rinse your face off. This can remove the impurities and need to be applied at least once a day.

*You can also use oats with rose water for making a scrub. Oates needs to be soaked for a minimum of half an hour in warm water. Make a paste with the rose water and curds and use this as a scrub. Rinse it off after around 20 minutes.

  1. Milk and Turmeric for Fair Skin:

This magic ingredient has been used for decades for skin care due to its antifungal, antibacterial and skin whitening properties. Using milk and turmeric regularly can help you get rid of blemishes and scars and make a difference to the skin tone. Milk is good for moisturizing the skin and the turmeric can brighten and lighten the skin.

*Mix ½ teaspoon of turmeric in 2 tablespoons of milk. Soak a cotton ball I this paste and apply it on your face. You need to leave this pack overnight for maximum benefits. Rinse your face with warm water the next morning. You need to repeat this on a daily basis.

  1. Tomato and Papaya for Fair Skin:

The presence of lycopenen in tomatoes helps in removing the tan on the skin. Using this on a regular basis can also aid in removing the dead skin cells. Vitamin C and E are present in tomatoes while papaya contains Vitamin C.

*Mash one slice of papaya with one tomato in a bowl and apply this on your face. You can wash this off after around 15 minutes with cold water which has a few drops of rose water.

Try out the different home remedies and choose the one which works best for your type of skin. Avoid all those fairness creams laden with different chemicals which can cause more harm than good to your skin. For sure, these home remedies are effective and can make a difference to your skin tone.

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